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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jameson []
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 10:06 AM
Subject: Jameson Family
Dear Sir
I recently saw your website on the History of the Jameson family.
My name is Ian Lloyd Jameson and I am a descendant of the Scottish/Irish
Jameson family of which I can go directly back to *David Jamesone 1614?*
; but we are also directly descended from two of King James 1
(1424-1437) of Scotland's two illegitimate sons.
/"King James and his mistress, Janet Gunn, had two sons, who held the
name of* *_*JAMESONE*_. They were ship owners and mariners at
*Aberdeen.* King James gave them the task to arm their ships for an
expedition against Norwegians, Pirates and others of the King's Enemies,
which at that time had infested the North Coast of Scotland. They were
both successful in their expedition and did good service for the
country. In acknowledgement of this, King James I was pleased to grant
them the Jameson Family Armorial Bearings."/
_*For a shield:*_ three anchors divided by a Fesse wavy;
_*For a Crest:*_ A Roman Galley armed with sails spread with flags and
displayed proper.
_*For a Motto*__:_ /*Sine Metu Ad Littora Tendit*/. (Without fear he
defends the coast).
The two *JAMESONE *brothers subsequently split up and the eldest adopted
the first part of the motto - /*Sine Metu.*/ The younger brother adopted
the second part of the motto - /*Ad Littora Tendit.
_*JAMESON or JAMIESON or JAMISON*_ name from Aberdeen and Alloa Scotland
and Co. Dublin and Co. Galway Ireland
Mackearmish, MacSheamuis: a Gallicised form of the name *JAMESON*
In 1804 *JAMESON* was the most frequent used Surname.
*JAMESON*, Alloa, Co. Clackmannanshire Scotland MS Pedigree deposited in
the Lyon Office Edinburgh. (This document, apparently, no longer exists)
/I am descended through the Alloa branch./
David Jamesone had several descendants and of some I know little about
and wondered whether your Daniel Jamison of Lime Ridge b. 17th december
1812 might be linked?
This just an of chance, but you can dismiss this if you think there is
no connection.
Best wishes
Ian LLoyd Jameson of France.